Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hitam Putih Kehidupan

Lihatlah sekitar alam
Dunia luas terbentang
Langit tinggi kebiruan
Pohon-pohon kehijauan
Hembusan bayu yang menyegarkan

Dengarkan disana-sini
Beburung riang menyanyi
Berbunga aneka warna
Sumber kedamaian jiwa
Kusyukuri nikmat maha esa

Begitu berharga kehidupan ini
Bagi mereka yang tahu menghargai

Mengapa terdorong oleh perasaan
Kalau turutkan hati diri menjadi korban

Tiada yg dapat lari dari masalah diri
Hadapilah dengan tenang
Tiap cabaran yang datang
Atasinya dengan keimanan

Sekadar buat renungan
Untukmu teman tersayang
Hitam putih masa depan
Sendirian menentukan
Hidup ini usah persiakan

p/s: This song reminds me of my childhood. What a nice, meaningful song anyway.

Monday, August 15, 2011


They say, nobody wants to make mistakes, successful people learn from their missteps.

Well, I say, It's kinda hard to overcome/handle criticism when dealing with mistakes. 

Normally I can't help feeling bad after being criticized and keep on thinking about the wrongness that I've made. BUT lately, I have enough on this matter and already decide that I can't let my negative thinking conquer my mind. What is past is past. That's it. No more turning back, only just make sure that the same thing will never ever happen again. Successful people always learn from their mistake.

Past is past so just let it be...

p/s: My blog's header is kinda weird up there, is it a mistake? Definitely, NO. I just let it be like that at the moment. Who cares? :p